Welcome to our class page !!
Get ready to embark on a journey of endless fun! Join us as we share exciting activities that will brighten your day and bring a smile to your face.
The boys were delighted to get back to school and back playing with their friends! We settled in with some playtime to kick the year off with some great fun.
The boys enjoyed some fine motor stations to focus on strengthening our hand muscles to help support our writing.
Thankfully the sun was shining on our first day of football training with our new coach Jason. The boys had great fun practicing their football skills through lots of fun games.
We continued to make use of the good weather while we got it taking our maths class outdoors to our outdoor classroom. It's lovely to get the opportunity to bring our learning outdoors when the irish weather allows us!!
The boys were delighted to have Derek back for music. Derek's lessons are always fun and interactive and focus on developing the boys musical knowledge and skills through fun rhymes and songs.
We went on an Autumn hunt to find all the colourful signs of Autumn around the school.